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  • carolenettleton

The Misconceptions Surrounding Arrangements For Children During Divorce

When two parents get divorced, they may have some misconceptions about what the divorce process and everything that follows after is like. Even if you aren’t getting divorced, these misconceptions could already exist and it’s important to debunk them as they could potentially contribute to some hostility towards your partner or vice versa.

As a family law solicitor, I believe that discussing misconceptions surrounding divorce is important. The following are some common misconceptions that parents have during and after the divorce process.

The Court Will Favour The Mother

This is false. Many people believe that when it comes to settling the arrangements for children, the mother will be prioritised. When in reality, the parent who is better suited to take care of the children will become their primary care-giver, whether that’s the mother or father.

Additionally, older children from the age of 16 will be legally entitled to have a say in who becomes their primary care-giver.

When it comes to children, the court will always put their needs above everything else. This is why there are a few circumstances that need to be evaluated when deciding the arrangements for the children. This means that it’s possible that fathers can become their children’s primary caregivers if they have the requirements to accommodate the needs of their children effectively.

Arrangements For Children Will Be Split 50/50

Another common misconception is assuming you and your partner will get split custody of your children.

There are many factors that go into deciding where the children will live. The court will want the divorce to have the least possible negative effects on the children, so they will aim to change their life as little as possible. This means that factors such as who will be staying in the same house the children currently live in will have an impact on who will be the primary care-giver.

If you and your ex-partner cannot agree on arrangements for your children together, then I can advise you through the legal proceedings that will follow.

That You Will No Longer Have a Relationship With Your Ex-partner

Although this may be true for divorces without children, having children means you will be embarking on a co-parenting relationship together. This means that communication regarding your children will be necessary if you are to have shared arrangements for them.

There may be some events in your children’s lives that will require you and your partner to see each other. These include events at school, birthdays, and sporting events. Even when your children grow up into adults, graduations and weddings will require you both to be in attendance.

If you need any legal advice when it comes to making arrangements for your children during your divorce, then a family law solicitor such as myself can help you. Don’t hesitate to get into contact with me today.

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